R.I.P. Internet as FCC kills net neutrallity

The Trump administration making sure to demolish Barack Obama's presidential legacy. The  Obama
administration was firmed on the existence of net neutrality which based on the belief that preserving it benefits consumers and promotes innovation,But today that belief has blurred.The FCC's decision to repeal net neutrality has been controversial since its inception.In almost three decades internet has grown tremendously and touched many aspects of our daily lives.The competitiveness in this information age made internet fast and accessible to  more population.But today that competitiveness is about more influence such that big players can always get more out of competition.

what is Net Neutrality?

According to Wikipedia , Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers must  treat
all data on internet the same and not discriminate or charge differently  by user content, website, platform, application ,type of attached equipment, or method of communication.so that means under this instances ISP's are unable to intentionally block , slow down or charge money for specific websites and online content.

The internet is giant network which has many roads. some roads are big to carry big traffic while other roads are small to carry light traffic.Big roads have more bandwidth so that they can can transfer more data with minimum delay,while small roads have comparatively less bandwidth hence they take more delay for data delivery. Until now we don't have to pay tax to get access via this roads, because ISP treats all traffic same regardless of any conditions.But now If you want to access any good quality video streaming  service you have to pay more money to your service provider.Any Premium services will be treated differently than other ordinary network traffic.so  in this way internet is get divided into different economical classes.


1. It protect freedom of expression  :This blog is my freedom of expression.ISP intentionally can not 
 block or censored it.
2. Isp can not raise prices on services : visit Portugal. They don't have NN.


1. Improve infrastructure by increasing prices : ISP can charge to those who utilises large amount of data.
2. NO compensation for data usages : netflix  is ready for legal battle.


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