
Showing posts from December, 2017



Is your iPhone slow then apple will apologize for that

Recently, Apple users in the USA have filed a complaint against tech giant over the phone slowdown issue.users concern that Apple purposefully slows down phone performs to upgrade to the latest high  priced models. Apple responded that phones are not slow down intentionally rather than to improve battery performance during peak hours. According to apple press release, In ios10.2.1 apple delivered software update that improves power management during peak workloads to avoid the unexpected shutdown of iphone6, iPhone 6 plus , iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s plus, iPhone SE. with the update ios dynamically manages the maximum performance of some system components when needed to prevent a shutdown.while this changes may go unnoticed, in some cases users may find longer launch time and other reductions in performance. Apple has offered the discount on battery replacement from $79 to $50.The press release stated that Apple is reducing the price of out of warranty battery replacement b

Digmine cryptocurrency bot attack via Facebook

by, Nilesh Bhakre December 27, 2017, at 7: PM- source: Trend Micro The use of social networking sites such as Facebook is increased to spread malware, especially  profitable crypto miner botnet.This miner botnet utilizes victims machine for cryptocurrency mining like bitcoin.This latest dig mine miner bot is discovered by Trend Micro. It spreads via Facebook messenger, although facebook available on the various platform but it only infects via the desktop version with chrome browser, hence This botnet can not infect mobile devices. INITIAL INFECTION VECTOR : -> AutoIt executable script act as video file it is basically executable script written in autolt (automation programming language) which act as a video file.If the user's Facebook account is set to log in then it automatically sends video file link to the friends of related account. INFECTION COMPONENT   : ->Initially, Digmine is nothing more than downloader which connects to attackers C&C server(c

Facebook's new alert when someone else upload a photo of you

Facebook wants to secure your identity online. They have come up with the new update in which user will receive an alert if someone else uploaded an image of him on facebook. This new feature utilizes image recognition system which recognizes user from the uploaded image by default.This is good when someone else uploaded your photo as a profile or as an untagged post then you can quickly identify that person from the received alert. The notification will not receive by the user if photo tagging feature is disabled. Therefore this update will roll out to all countries except Canada and EU because photo tagging feature is not allowed in these countries.

Edward snowden and team launched new Haven app for remote surveillance

If you are looking for free spying app then 'haven' app is a great choice. Recently Mr. Snowden and his team have launched an Android application called haven.This app turns your mobile into mini surveillance kit.You can install this app on your primary or secondary mobile. The mobile in which you have installed your app basically act as a sensor, which can record surrounding noise, capture image, detect motion for an unexpected guest and unwanted intruders and then send the automatic notification to the main phone.  Haven can log this information on the phone, send a notification to another phone via SMS or signal DM or remote website even when hosted on the dark web.This app is available in google play store . The app is created for activists, dissident and to help journalist but again any good thing in life can be used for abuse.This app utilizes various sensors like microphone, camera, accelerometer so you can configure the sensitivity of this sensor

Alert issued over malware breach of unnamed indian bank server by SISA

 Payment security firm SISA has issued an alert to all indian banks and payment processors after it found that hacker had managed to insert malicious software inside server belongs to payment switch, as told by the company spokesperson, according to TOI . The nature of warning is advisory by which bank employees having an access to payment server have to reset their login credential with two-factor authentication. The malicious script has been capable of collecting payment information like payment card number,expiry date,CVV number etc. This information can be exploit to clone cards and conduct alleged transaction. The malware scrip can generate fake response to infected payment switch in a way to ensure that no details about incoming and outgoing transaction details get logged.

R.I.P. Internet as FCC kills net neutrallity

The Trump administration making sure to demolish Barack Obama's presidential legacy. The  Obama administration was firmed on the existence of net neutrality which based on the belief that preserving it benefits consumers and promotes innovation,But today that belief has blurred.The FCC's decision to repeal net neutrality has been controversial since its inception.In almost three decades internet has grown tremendously and touched many aspects of our daily lives.The competitiveness in this information age made internet fast and accessible to  more population.But today that competitiveness is about more influence such that big players can always get more out of competition. what is Net Neutrality? According to Wikipedia , Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers must  treat all data on internet the same and not discriminate or charge differently  by user content, website, platform, application ,type of attached equipment, or me

India advised to their military personnel to uninstall chinese app

The Indian defence ministry has advised troops stationed on the Chinese border to uninstall Chinese-made apps from their smartphones. The list includes popular apps like MI store, which include on XIOMI smartphones, wechat and share it which is one of the most popular sharing apps in India.The list includes total 42 Chinese apps. The Indian defence ministry suspected that these apps can be used to track information related to a position of military guards within indo-china border, which then send back to servers located in China. The Chinese military can use tracking information for their defence strategy.Following list includes some of the suspicious apps: wechat weibo Uc browser 360 security clean master MI community shareit Truecaller Photo wonder QQ player virus cleaner DU browser baidu translate Mi video call xiomi baidu map DU Battery Saver vault hide QQ launcher you cam makeup Apus browser Indian smartphone market is dominated by Chinese companies.T

Hacking in jail : man hacks jail to get prisoner released early

Are you a fan of Mr. robot serial drama? whether yes or not, the reality of cyber hacking is going to hit anyone in any way. A Michigan man pleaded guilty last week to the hacking computer network of Washtenaw county jail, where he modified inmate records in an attempt to have an inmate released early. Profile: Name: kondras voits Age: 27 Place: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Accusation: false bomb threat Hacking Technique: - Email spear spear-phishing     He tried this but doesn't work. NOT BAD!!!     - Telephone social engineering     He switched to calling county jail employees and that's worked!     . - Downloading and running `malware on a machine     He called other jail employees and asked them to visit the certain website to download and install an executable that would upgrade county jail system. - False personal identity as "Daniel Greene"   He sent emails to jail staff posing as a named &quo

ATM skimming / ATM clonning : Growing threat in India

\ In less than a week, 200 Bengalureans have lost more than Rs 10 lakh due to illegal withdrawals from ATMs. Police suspect that gangs have placed advanced card skimmers, which can read debit and credit card data during usage, with pinhole cameras in ATMs across the city to copy card data and capture PINs. (source:TOI) ATM skimming is like identity theft for debit cards: Thieves use hidden electronics to steal the personal information stored on your card and record your PIN number to access all that hard-earned cash in your account. That's why skimming takes two separate components to work. The first part is the skimmer itself, a card reader placed over the ATM's real card slot. When you slide your card into the ATM, you're unwittingly sliding it through the counterfeit reader, which scans and stores all the information on the magnetic strip. However, to gain full access to your bank account on an ATM, the thieves still need your PIN nu